星期日, 12月 16, 2007

Internal Conference

ISCA (International Symposium on Computer Architecture)
June 21-25, 2008, Beijing, China

ASPLOS (Architecture Support for Programming Language and Operation System)
March 1-5, 2008, Seattle, WA

DAC (Design Automation Conference)
June 8-13, 2008, Anaheim, California

DATE (Design Automation and Test in Europe)
March 10-14, 2008, Munich, Gernan

SAMOS (Embedded Computer System: Architecture, MOeling, and Simulation)
June 21-24, 2008, Samos, Greece

LCTES (Conference on Languae, Compilers, and Tools or Embedded Systems)
June 12-13, 2008, Tucson, AZ

星期三, 8月 15, 2007

Embedded RTOS

1. uC/OS-II
非常迷你的OS, 從8051, PIC到32-bit CPU都有Port, 要自己Porting自己CPU也很快上手
除了基本的Kernel及TCP/IP有Open Source, 其它例如Filesystem都要額外付錢,
有四種License方式Single Product, Product Line, Per CPU-Type, Site

RTOS for Multiprocessor Systems, 支援許多open API Stanard: POISIX, VEMbus, TCP/IP including BSD Socket, uITRON.
在網路方面大部份的Service都有, Filesystem支援FAT, TFTP, NFS
但是支援的CPU種類較少, 而且偏向是比較高階的CPU

3. DSPnano
前身是Unison, 對DSP最最佳化處理, Eclips-based的開發環境

星期二, 7月 17, 2007

Chip Debug Industry Related


1) Nexus (IEEE 5001) Forum, which is focused on high performance trace related interfaces based on the IEEE 5001 (Nexus) standard;
2) MIPI Alliance Test and Debug working group whic is addressing a range of debug interface efforts;
3) IJTAG (P1687) , which is a working group looking at JTAG extensions
4) Multicore Association (MCA) which is looking at integrated set of Debug and Communication APIs for Multicore architectures.
5) AJTAG (P1149.7) which is looking at 2 wire JTAG architectures
6) SPIRIT Consortium has a Debug working group looking at debug register description within the SPIRIT IP-XACT frameworks.

星期四, 6月 21, 2007

Debug Audio


星期二, 5月 22, 2007

Annotation of heterogeneous designs in OrCAD Capture

1. 在Part Property新增一Column "Group"
2. 將同一Part的Package的Group設為一樣
3. 在Annotate的Physical Packing 加入"{Group}"

星期五, 3月 23, 2007

SystemC Module Constructor (SC_HAS_PROCESS)

典型的SystemC Module 寫法:
SC_MODULE(module_test) {
SC_CTOR(module_test) {}

class module_test: public sc_module {
module_test(sc_module_name nm, ....): sc_module(nm) {....}

但是在這這種情況下, 如果module裡面要宣告Process
因為Process 會用到 SC_CTOR這個macro所定義到的一些東西
class module_test: public sc_module {
module_test(sc_module_name nm, ....): sc_module(nm)

星期一, 3月 19, 2007

SystemC x86_64

1. 2.1版的不支援, 請用2.2beta版
2. 將configure裡面的LD_FLAGS改為LDFLAGS

參考文章: http://panoramis.free.fr/search.systemc.org/?pdoc=systemc/64bits